Swissphotonics – Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz

Swissphotonics is the National Thematic Network (NTN) for Photonics. It is the declared goal of Swissphotonics to improve the competitiveness of its members through the support of the innovation forces.


  • We organize Events: Workshops to foster the interaction within the innovation community, roundtables to address challenges and we support conferences to provide opportunities for communicating leading edge information.
  • We support eight Labs which act as a center of competence and provide single point of contact service and support to SMEs.
  • We inform about Swiss and European strategic Research agendas, research platforms and initiatives.
  • We provide information about Funding opportunities as well as supporting to access them.
  • We serve the full field of photonics, starting from materials which convert electricity into light and light into electricity all the way to the application of light such as photonic manufacturing (material processing with a laser beam: cutting, welding and 3d additive), imaging, photonic life science, optical communication, photovoltaics and illumination.
  • We serve companies, research organisations and universities in the field of photonics in basic and applied science, technology development, manufacturing and selling of photonics components and applications.
  • We support the industry and research institutes in finding research partners and funding.
  • We support networking within Switzerland and we establish international contacts, within Europe (Photonics21, EPIC) and worldwide (OSA, IOA).
  • We work with Swissmem to support innovation in photonics.

 Swissphotonics is a non-profit association, registered under "Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz". The activities of Swissphotonics are supported by the Swiss innovation promotion agency, CTI, under the NTN initiative.



Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz

Sihleggstrasse 23

8832 Wollerau


Dr. Christoph Harder
Präsident Swissphotonics


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